The Story So Far...
Once Upon A Time, there was a man named Tex O'Grady OAM, a retired Submariner, a veteran with over 20 years in the R.A.N was like many other veterans, post service - LOST. Tex was unsure who he was, or where his place in this world was, after he was paid off and out, by the service. Although he knew something was not right with his general wellbeing, it wasn't until many years later, Tex was diagnosed with PTSD.
Fortunately, Tex could talk about it his journey to a diagnosis, through his charity work with Tex & Bundy. Tex has spoken at many functions on Mental Health, his life in the Service, and life on the road with his best mate, Bundy, a stumpy tailed Blue Heeler.
Bundy retired in 2017 after travelling over a million kilometres on the front of a Motorcycle, (Bundy outlasted many motorcycles!). Tex and Bundy helped raise over six million dollars for various charities, with the added bonus of being Tex's best mate, assistance and therapy dog.
Tex began a new mission to support Veterans, and EMS personnel, experiencing PTSD, heading back to where he began - ON THE WATER.
Now, Tex and his crew, provide a day out on our stunning Aussie waters, at no charge. These "On The Water" days allow the freedom to experience a day of "calming the waves of trauma", providing help, hope and support out of the darkness.
Terence O'Grady t/as Tex & Bundy
Not-For-Profit Business (NGO)
ABN: 20912385864